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Theory Group

Contents of lectures in the theory group

In our department (theory group), we organize lectures in order to let the graduate students acquire the basic knowledge necessary for research activities in particle physics and nuclear physics. From April in 2004, we have also provided more fundamental lectures for the fresh graduate students, due to the change from the previous 3-year PhD course to the present 5-year PhD course.

The following lectures were given to graduate students in the 3-year PhD course (students who have already got master degrees) from January in 2004 to March in 2005. All the lectures contained useful ingredients for research activities. Some postdocs also attended these lectures, and they asked questions freely in the relaxed atmosphere, since the audience was not so large.

Field theory, gravity, constructive approach to string theory
Introduction to phenomenological particle physics
Superstring theory
About fundamental construction of N=1 4-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory
Numerical calculations in lattice QCD


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