School of High Energy Accelerator Science Department of Particleand Nuclear Physics
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Minimal requirements

Minimal requirements.

Here we will explain what background knowledge we require of applicants to the particle and nuclear experimental groups.

Interest in exploring Nature
Particle and nuclear physics explore fundamental elements of which Nature consists, and the laws controlling them. We welcome those who are highly motivated to investigate the world of elementary particles and nuclei, which is full of strange phenomena beyond our ordinary intuition.

Do you have a strong will to do experimental research?
Did you have a moment at which you really enjoyed the experiment in an undergraduate experimental class? Do you have any experience that you were so absorbed in the measurement and the analysis of the data that you did not notice that a long time had passed? If you come to think the experimental research worthwhile through such experience and you determine to enter this field, you are strongly encouraged to apply to our experimental groups.

Fundamental knowledge of physics
It is necessary to learn standard physics lectured in departments of physics and applied physics in faculties of science and engineering. The learning must be through attending lectures and problem solving sessions, and by reading textbooks and collections of problems for experts, not for the public.

To be concrete, you should learn the following in the first and second years of the undergraduate course:

  • Classical mechanics,
  • Classical electromagnetism,
  • Oscillations and waves,
  • Thermodynamics,
  • Mathematics (such as calculus, linear algebra, many-variable analysis, and vector analysis),
and the following later:

  • Analytical mechanics
  • Advanced electromagnetism (such as Maxwell equations, electromagnetic waves and special relativity),
  • Quantum mechanics (nonrelativistic theory),
  • Statistical mechanics
  • Physical mathematics (such as differential equations, Fourier analysis, and complex analysis)

It is also important to attend a wide range of lectures such as astrophysics, condensed matter physics, plasma physics, mechanics of elastic bodies and fluid, which are not directly related to particle and nuclear physics, in the undergraduate courses.

Knowledge of engineering
Although particle and nuclear physics are called pure “fundamental science”, knowledge of “applied physics” is also necessary for experimental research. Electronic devices and computers are used everyday. You have to learn various latest techniques.

If you have learned high level techniques in a company or a faculty of engineering, you can do high level experimental research in particle and nuclear physics with the experience. Our experimental groups greatly welcome such people.

Experience in experiment
We recommend that you have experience in experimental research as that for your graduation thesis in the fourth year of the undergraduate course. It can be in particle or nuclear experimental group, or any other experimental group. We are sure that such experience will be quite helpful for your future experimental research in particle and nuclear physics.

English skill
In the present scientific research including particle and nuclear experiments, communication is made in English. It is desirable to get used to English in science as early as possible through reading scientific writings.

Are you willing to do teamwork?
Particle and nuclear experiments are essentially teamwork. Researchers from around the world cooperatively design and build measuring devices, collect and analyze the data. It should also be stressed that experimental projects are supported by many people who, for instance, operate accelerators, check the safeness of the experiments, and run computers.

If you feel collaboration mentally quite painful (It is okay that you do not like it very much.), or you are satisfied only when you do research freely by yourself (We doubt that there is any such field that admits such attitude.), you are not suitable for particle and nuclear experimental research.

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